They travled across Guyham for days.Then on the 4th day,they got to the tired to go on.But by noon,they got to the city of Snaff Fo and stayed.In the morning,they met the Lady Mittenchip with 12 cats 100 riders 1 bear and a dog.They too came with Tiggers army.7 days later,the army got passed the waterfall and climbed some hills.But when they got over the hills a horrable sight met their eyes.Silver said"look there".Mittenchip said"it's fire,the enemy is burning the city".Tigger said"this is just what I thought,we'd better get there and fast"!The race was on.The rulers ran down the hill with the army right behind them.As they got to the bottom of the hill,they came to another desert.they were going the right way.But,no one could tell how far it was to Glider Guy."Go go go"yelled Tippy!"Faster"yelled Carnation!"Let me at um,let me at um yelled Batty.Faster and faster they raced.After an hour,they turned northeast. After 2 hours,a war horse shouted"look,the woods".Soon,they rode passed the woods and there was the city of Glider Guy.Tigger sounded the horn todallo todallo todallooooooooooooooooooooooo.The king of Glider Guy shouted"the horn of Guygor,Tigger has come at last".The army rode into the city.Men fell all around.Dogs cats and bears pounced,riders charged,the giant used his club,full battle was joined.But before the army know it,they found that they winning.2 hours later,the enemy lost."yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"cherred the army.Both kings shaked hands and went into the castle.A great feast was called for and in the morning they fixed the city.Then at sunset,they went home to Guyland Tirith in Guygor THE END RIDE TO GLIDER GUY BY MICHAEL CAST Tigger Blizzard Climb Canyon Silver Mittenchip Tippy Carnation Batty war horse Glider Guy king
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