Thursday, October 18, 2007
Thursday, August 9, 2007
The Lord of the Jewels story 2
For 2 months he was up there and then...Gobbles:Bearwarf!Bearwarf: Gobbles wind flyer and scout turkey,why do you come here!Gobbles:I come to feach you,as Gillson said to do and why are you up here.I was to go to tell you and Garlyman that the enemy is geting ready and the Guysgul have left the Dark Lands.Bearwarf:I have been a prisoner because Garlyman became so cowardly that he became a servent of the enemy. Gobbles:Thats evil news Bearwarf.Now I'll take you away.flap flap flap We must go now:and away they went.Soon they got to Snaff Ho at the halls of thecdro.Bearwarf:Hail Thecdro son of solon king of Guyham sevent of the Guygor king and emporer of Emeth:Thecdro:Why comes Bearwarf to my halls:Bearwarf:I come for the aid of Guyham.The Dark lord is geting ready for war and Garlyman has come to help him:Thecdro:Galsa what have you to say a of Bearwarfs word:Galsa:I say Garlyman is are alli agenst the Dark lands and it's not good for any one to say things like that about Garlyman:Bearwarf:Then if you do not beleve me or help me can I have a horse:Thecdro:All right Bearwarf,take a horse and be gone:Bearwarf:Thank you and farewell:as he went out the gates of the castle.He soon came to a hill were there was a horse nobody could ride called Speedlendo the greatest horse in the world.Bearwarf quickly tamed him and soon he was riding with all speed back to Buntland.But then Garlyman had visiters and they were the Guysgul.the lord of the Guysgul:Garlyman we need help to find the land called Buntland.Garlyman:I don't know that land.But there is one who knows.He's called Bearwarf he left 2 days ago to Guyham derectly west.Guysgul lord.Come,let us leave for Guyham.Meanwile in Buntland the little company still went north to Kinni.Tigger:It's still a 2 day jouney to Kinni.Pepper:good,for we've been traveling for months Froppatty:don't worry there's Berthen Run.We will stay there for the night.The next day they turned onto a the highway for as Tigger said it would be hard to be seen in the crowds of the Highway Jorden.It was noisy on those roads however,they where not seen.After 5 hours,they turned off the highway Jorden into Kinni.Kinni was a small town not many houses were there.the company walked on until they came to the Inn of the Guyland Happyness.Kenny:well,I'll knock.:knock,knock,knock. pooh:All right I'm coming.Hallo masters.What would you like.Tigger: Beds for 5 and stables for 6 ponies.Pooh:Yes and may I have your names. Froppatty:he's Tigger and there's Kenny,Pepper,Blizzard,and I'm Froppaty.Pooh:It's good to meet you all,and I think you would like to join the meeting club.Tigger:Yes I think we would like that.The small company enjoyed their dinner.It was chicken,fruit,drinks,and cake. Blizzard:Pooh,who is that bear standing by the window? I don't think you said anything about him.Pooh:I don't know.We in Kinni call him stanjula,and he is comes from the wanderlands in the north and he's a ranger a wandering lander.Tigger:I see.Froppatty,I think you should make your friends stop taking to much.Froppatty got up but he tripped and landed on the rug and the jewel went onto his finger and he vanised. then he saw things that were horrable.He first saw 9 dinosaurs all black and then he turned around and saw Scaryguy.Scaryguy:You cannot hide.I see you there is no life only death.It was so alarming that he took the jewel off and he was back in the inn.Just as he got his breath back, someone grabed him.and pulled him into a room.Stanjula:I'm called Stanjula and I want to talk to you.Then the door burst open and the rest of the company came in.But then something happened,as they came in Pepper and Kenny stepped on Tigger's and Blizzard's cloaks and they ripped off and Tigger and Blizzard looked different.Tigger had a robe with a castle on it and a crown on his head.But the most strange was a jewel in his hand and Blizzard looked the same.Stanjula:So we meet again Tigger king of Guygor,lord of Guyland Tirith,emporer of Glider Guy,and bearer of the frist jewel.Froppatty:The King of Guygor,I thought they all vanised and you were an old Tigger.Tigger:Well most Tiggers are the remanders of the kings and all I'll say is this I am the king of Guygor and Blizzard is my lord and stewert.Pepper:Well that is a surprise,but Stanjula,what was that you wanted to tell us.Stanjula:I know what you are carrying and who you are.I ask to come with you.Froppatty:well Stanjula,I don't know why we should take you on trust.Who are you and what do you know about this.Just then,Stanjula got out of sight and there was a kouck on the door and Pooh came in.Froppatty:Good evening pooh what would you like.Pooh:and same to you,Froppatty.But there was something else.I'm a busy man and I forget things some times.Kenny:What are you taking about.Pooh: Well you see I had to keep on watch for Buntlanders and one by the name of Froppatty.Blizzard: Who told you this:Pooh:Bearwarf of course.He is a good friend of mine and some months back,he came and asked me to send this letter to Froppatty of Buntland:as he took the letter out.Froppatty:I'm him and you had better give me that letter and tell me why you never sent it!Pooh:I'm sorry but I could not find anyone to go and no one here could go and it was forgoten.Stanjula:That's a problem.Pooh:Oh Stanjula!Stanjula:Well anyway,are you going to open that letter.Froppatty:It goes like this:Dear Tigger,Froppatty,and Blizzard.The Guysgul have come and are making their way south.Bamboo is going to help make for Adventures Island.I hope to see you there.From Bearwarf.p.s.The people of Kinni call him Stanjula.Tigger must do the job too.He is really the king of Guygor and bearer of the frist jewel.Froppatty:Stanjula,why didn't you tell me you had been Bearwarf's friend.Bamboo:Would you beleve me.Kenny: No,but Tigger,why didn't you tell us you were the king.Tigger:I was keeping it a secret.I'll tell you my story someday.Bamboo:Well with Tigger the Great,I'll be your guide to Adventures Island and beyond. Soon,they went to bed and Froppatty had many dreams.In the morning,a dinosaur called Riny Broc burst in.Riny Broc:Guys!There are black dinosaurs in the town.You must leave soon.So,the company had some food,loaded up and went off to the Legos land.the end:Tigger, Froppatty,Blizzard,Bearwarf,Bamboo,Kenny,Pepper,Trecdro,Gobbles,Garlyman,Glasa,Gusgul.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
The Lord of the Jewels 1 Journys start story one
Once upon a time,long long ago,southwest in the Indian Sea,there was a big contant.No men saw that place and it was not on a map.However,that place was inhabited.But it was not men that lived there.There where races of woodland creatures,guys,legos,dinosarus,monsters,mean,foul,guys and broils.Guys were talking beasts and lived in most of the places.Legos where little wise people and mostly on Adventures Island.Dinosarus were big reptiles that lived in the moutain citys in the mines of Gloria.Monsters were 400 ft scary powerful unthinkable creatures who don't know fear and the most powerful of all is the king:Godzzila:and his son Minnla.The mean guys were gorcs,guyrogs,and giants,and Broils.This is not a story about this place,just a great king and his friends.It all started with the forging of the great jewels.19 were given to the guys,3 to the legos and 10 to the dinosaurs.All races were fine,for a short time.But they were all diceved,for another jewel was made.In the Dark Land,in the cracked moutain Death,the dark lord Scaryguy made a jewel to rule the others and war never stopped.Army after army failed,but in the year 1175 all the armys came together and marched upon the enemy.But no one could defeat the jewel and the dark lord started to weed out the army.But with one great slash,High King Ithly Tigger cut:aloug with his sword:Scaryguy to the ground.He could have saved the land,but he took it for himself.But in the forest near Guysongard,gorcs fell up on him and he was cast into the river and the jewel was forgoten for 600 years.But then a guy called Smeguy was fishing when he found the jewel.Now if he did not find the jewel this would not have been a problem.However,after a small time he turned into a cloon and he got so mean,nasty and selfish he was called Guylum witch means talking robber and nobody liked him ever sense.He lived in the mountains and the jewel was hidden even from scaryguy the lord of the jewels.For 200 years,Guylum had the jewel.but then the jewel was taken from him and he made his way for 45 years to the Dark Lands. Guylum:Precious precious weve lost it after all these ages its gone we will never find it again no no no no.: As he was looking,a black rider rode up and said:what are you doing staying silent if you won't say it here say it in the Dark lands:then rode Guylum away to the tower of Torter Door.After torchering him they started talking to him.Guysgul:why do you come to these lands.Guylum:just looking for are precious that we lost a gibbit stole it from us he was lost in the mountains he nosed around are pool and took are jewel he said he was a Blumpy and came from Buntland but we don't know were that is:and that was the end of the talk.But I bet you want to know about Blumpy.He was blue blumpy a buntlander.But he no longer living there.But now lets go back 4 years when he lived with froppaty and a new buntlander Tigger and Tiggers brother blizzard at age 95.That day,Tigger was under a tree when he saw on a horse and cart the jollest 153 year old bear you can imagine coming around the corner. tigger:It's wonderful to see you Bearwarf:Bearwarf:You havent changed sense you came here:Then he rode away to Blue Blumpys house.Buntland was a happy land.It had houses,gardens,horses,trees,and Gibbits.Blue Blumpys house was a proper little hole and was a full hole.Bearwarf knocked at the door.Blue Blumpy:No no no we don't want any more visits friends or famaily.Bearwarf:and what about old friends:The door opened and there was an old blue bunny.Blue blumpy:Bearwarf?it's great to see you Bearwarf!come in,come in:In came bearwarf and sat at the table. They ate and drank tea,cake,eggs,toast,and ice cream.As they ate,they talked about things in the world and something secet.Boom boom boom clash! fireworks went into the sky on Blues brithday and it was a night to remember.After dinner,Blue got up to say a speech.Blue blumpy:My dear guys,today is my 96th brithday but 96 years is to short a time to live with all you guys it's allso Foppaty's brithday I hope you will have a great year but im going away now farewell:and he was gone.He did not die but he put on a jewel the jewel of Guylum.He went to his hole and changed into his traveling cloak and cap he packed his things and got his pony.He just got to his door when he heard a voice.Bearwarf:You think thats very clever:Blue Blumpy:Come on,it's just some fun,did you see their faces:Bearwarf:there are many jewels in this world and all should not be used lightly:Blue blumpy:I think you know best here it is:tossing the jewel on the table.Blue Blumpy:But why can't I keep it.Its my isin't it:Bearwarf: It's time for the jewel to pass on:Blue Blumpy:Fropatty would come if I asked him.But I don't know about Tigger or blizzard.:going to the door.When he got outside with Bearwarf,he sighed.Blue Blumpy:I thought of an ending of my book goodby Bearwarf:Bearwarf:Goodby Blue Blumpy:as the guylander rode away.Then Bearwarf went inside and looked at the Jewel.Then Tigger came in and looked at it.Then Fropatty came in and picked it up and for a long time the 3 were silent untel Froppatty spoke up:whats up,anything troubling you:Tigger:yes I think so:Bearwarf:I've been wondering about it for some time but I don't know yet I can tell you the story when I come back:and without another word he went out to his horse and rode away.For 50 days he went north.When he got to Guysongard he saw terror coming from the Dark Land and heard 2 words Buntland Blumpy.Then he went west to Guygor and then to a city.He went in a house and looked in a book.:The year 1175 of the 12th centery.The history of Ithly Tigger 18th king of Guygor and finding of the jewel of power.I have the jewel for my kingdom and buy it with great pain.The letters on it fade away.They will be reveled when taken in and out of a fire.:4 years after Blue Blumpy left,Tigger and Froppatty were resting when there was a knock on the door.Tigger went to the door and opened it and in came Bearwarf the wiserd.Bearwarf:Hi Tigger: Tigger and Froppatty:Hi Bearwarf what are doing back:Bearwarf:I've come to tell something you 2.I'll tell you in the morning after breakfast:After having breakfast and a pipe[in the morning],they got to bisness.Froppatty:Ok Bearwarf,whats going on about the jewel Bearwarf:In many ways[horrable ways] let me have the jewel for a minate:taking the jewel and something happened,he tossed the jewel into the small fire but it did not melt he took it out and put it into froppatty's hand and on the jewel were some words.Bearwarf:Can you see anything on it:Froppatty:yes,but I can't read this.:Bearwarf:It says 1 jewel to rule them all,1 jewel to find them,1 jewel to bring them all and in the the darkness bind them.:Froppatty:What is this jewel Bearwarf:Tigger:quiet please Froppatty he will tell at the right time continue the story Bearwarf:who was liking the story. Bearwarf:There are jewels of power in this world like the great jewels,the fair jewels, and the horrer jewel.They were to govern the races all over the countrys of the land.:Froppatty:Is it a great jewel:Bearwarf:no:Froppatty:Is it a fair jewel:Bearwarf:no: Tigger:Then it must be the horrer jewel:Bearwarf:Yes and that jewel belonged to Scaryguy the mean the lord of the Dark Lands,but I can tell you the story now.About 900 years ago,the Guyland smiths forged jewels of power and made this old saying:3 to the legos under the sky.19 to the guys in the citys of stone.10 to the dinos doomed to die.1 for the lord on the Dark throne in the Dark Lands where the shadow lies:After the jewels were made,Scaryguy gathered 9 togther the others were hidden from him and then to get the others,he made war on the guys.In 1175,Ithly Tigger cut the jewel from Scaryguys hand and for a time he was gone.However,the king of guygor took the jewel for his own,but was soon killed buy gorcs and was tossed into the river and for 600 years the jewel was forgotten.One day a gibbet was fishing when he caught the jewel and became mean so they called him Guylum.For 200 years,he had the jewel but then,Blue Blumpy took it from him and Guylum went to find the jewel.But before he found Blue Blumpy,Scaryguy found Guylum and that he heard about the jewel he will send his followers to find it:Froppatty:But this is horrable,I just don't pity Guylum:Bearwarf:You must understand that Guylum is bound up with the fate of the jewel,my heart tells me that he has some part to play:Tigger:Then what are we to do.I think we had better run away and I think we should go by ourselves:Bearwarf:Tigger,your right.But I don't think you should go yourselves:Blizzard:Are we going on a long trip!:poping in threw the window.Tigger:Yes we are and you are coming too:2 weeks after Bearwarf came back,they stayed.Then 1 night Bearwarf came to the 3 guys.Bearwarf:I'm going to Gemon today.You must go today.:Froppatty:Ok but where should we go:Bearwarf:I think you should go to Kinni and if I'm not there,look for 1 of my friends called Bamboo the bear and make for Adventures Liland:Tigger:Yes,and we will keep the jewel safe and secert:and away they went.Tigger,Froppatty,and Blizzard went due north as Bearwarf went west.The 3 friends did not go farther then 2 miles when they had some company.They were Kenny the bear and Pepper the cat.Kenny:Hi friends going on a trip:Pepper:If you are going on a trip,we would like to come too:Blizzard:Okey,after all 5 guys are better then 3:and away they went.After 2 months,Bearwarf came to Gemon.It was a desert with some trees and water and houses and mines.In the middle was a tower and meeting Bearwarf was a wisard called Garlyman.Bearwarf:I've come for aid.The riders have come fourth and we need all are men and wepons and horses:Garlyman:I got a better idea.That's why I sent for you.Sence you know were this jewel we must join with Scaryguy or rule in his sted.It would be wise.: Bearwarf:Now That I know what you want I won't give you news of it.Garlyman:Old fool! take that:and he jumped behind Bearwarf grabbed his staff and blasted Bearwarf to the top of the tower.the end:made by Michael cast Tigger, Froppatty,Bearwarf,Blizzard,Blue Blumpy,Kenny,Pepper,Guylum, Garlyman,the Guysgul.narrater
Saturday, June 16, 2007
The Lord of the Jewels Afterwards part1

They travled across Guyham for days.Then on the 4th day,they got to the tired to go on.But by noon,they got to the city of Snaff Fo and stayed.In the morning,they met the Lady Mittenchip with 12 cats 100 riders 1 bear and a dog.They too came with Tiggers army.7 days later,the army got passed the waterfall and climbed some hills.But when they got over the hills a horrable sight met their eyes.Silver said"look there".Mittenchip said"it's fire,the enemy is burning the city".Tigger said"this is just what I thought,we'd better get there and fast"!The race was on.The rulers ran down the hill with the army right behind them.As they got to the bottom of the hill,they came to another desert.they were going the right way.But,no one could tell how far it was to Glider Guy."Go go go"yelled Tippy!"Faster"yelled Carnation!"Let me at um,let me at um yelled Batty.Faster and faster they raced.After an hour,they turned northeast. After 2 hours,a war horse shouted"look,the woods".Soon,they rode passed the woods and there was the city of Glider Guy.Tigger sounded the horn todallo todallo todallooooooooooooooooooooooo.The king of Glider Guy shouted"the horn of Guygor,Tigger has come at last".The army rode into the city.Men fell all around.Dogs cats and bears pounced,riders charged,the giant used his club,full battle was joined.But before the army know it,they found that they winning.2 hours later,the enemy lost."yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"cherred the army.Both kings shaked hands and went into the castle.A great feast was called for and in the morning they fixed the city.Then at sunset,they went home to Guyland Tirith in Guygor THE END RIDE TO GLIDER GUY BY MICHAEL CAST Tigger Blizzard Climb Canyon Silver Mittenchip Tippy Carnation Batty war horse Glider Guy king
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Lord of the Jewels: Guylands
Journey Through Danger. Long, long ago on a continent nobody saw before there was a race of talking smart animals. These creatures were called guylanders. And the smiths forged great jewels for them. Three were given to the guygor kings, the lords of the monsters and the great magic power, seven to the gweler lords who like to be called winners and wanted one of the guygor kings, and nine to the people of gliderguy, buntland. Gloria guyham guysongard and Emeth who love to ride to the aid of others...
Sunday, April 15, 2007

mother lode,
twain harte,
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